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Showing posts from September, 2015

Mastering Interviews

There are many types of interview styles, and you should be aware of each before putting yourself out there. Before ending the conversation with the interview scheduler (whether by phone or email), try to gather information about the interview itself. Interviewing methods differ greatly depending on the industry to which you’re applying, the company and even the position within the company. The interviewers may focus on one style or engage you in a combination of several interview types. The best thing you can do to prepare is to understand each kind and its intention from the interviewer's perspective. At Staffio , we constantly connect with our candidates for De-brief sessions, which will help them analyze, understand and embrace vital interview pointers. The Traditional / Standard Interview This is the scenario you'll face most often: You sit down with a solo interviewer and answer a series of questions designed to help her figure out if you'r...

Preparation Is The Key

The perception of interviews have largely changed. There is a paradigm shift on the recruitment process. Employers off late have realized shooting questions would be of least help. Instead, employers are now focusing more on accomplishments & psychological side of the individuals. Although there is no one size fits all questions, still there are a few fundamentals which you can set right by being aware of the basics. 1) Why should I hire you? Use specific examples to demonstrate what you can do for them and real life examples of what you have done in previous roles that could benefit you and your potential employer. 2) Give an example of a time when you showed initiative? Think back to your time in your previous jobs and identify examples of when you took action and achieved a positive outcome from it. 3) What other companies are you interviewing with? This is a tough one and can feel like a bit of a trick question. They probab...

Ace It!!

Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews. When you have successfully mastered cover letters, resumes, and job applications and are receiving requests for interviews, it's time to understand how to succeed in the job interview so that you are ever closer to your goal of obtaining one or more job offers.  Research Success in a job interview starts with a solid foundation of knowledge on the job-seeker's part. You should understand the employer, the requirements of the job, and the background of the person (or people) interviewing you. Information sources include the organization's Website and other published materials, search engines, research tools, and your network of contacts.  Practice Good Nonverbal Communication It's about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a firm handshake. That first nonverbal impression can be a great beginning -- or quick ...